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Massachusetts has a few of the strictest security deposit laws in the united states. Landlords that take security deposits in Massachusetts must strictly stick to the laws or face the potential of paying out thousands in damages. Because of the complexity with the security deposits laws, it is usually advisable for landlords NOT to take security deposits, unless they are 100% certain they can follow the law. - Massachusetts landlord tenant lawyer

If you�re a landlord, you need to consult an attorney before ever taking a security deposit. Again, going for a security deposit is really a mine field of potential problems, any kind of which may lead to you paying your tenant multiple damages, including his/her attorney fees.

Like a tenant, if the landlord fails to follow the strict regulations, I can help you to collect what is rightfully because of you. I first pursue one of the most cost-effective means of demanding payment from the landlord. If necessary, I can file a lawsuit to obtain your money returned.

If your landlord takes a security deposit, a number of the requirements are:

1. Provide you with a written receipt for the investment received.

2. Give you a second receipt that informs you the name and location with the bank and also the account number.

3. The landlord must also pay out the comission interest Each year on your own security deposit.

4. The landlord must hand back the cash within 30 days once you leave.

5. The landlord must provide you with a �statement of condition� for your apartment
Case an example with the requirements a Landlord is required to follow. If the landlord hasn't followed these steps, you might be eligible for multiple damages from your landlord, including any attorney fees that. Call Massachusetts landlord tenant attorney, Patrick kBull for more information - Massachusetts landlord tenant lawyer